About Benson Mungai

 Also known as "Mdasta"

Benson Mungai's Cars


“She rolled in and stopped with a thud. Staring at the sad horizon beyond the repair yard in Eastland’s. She had been pushed to the limit, Lonely and neglected she was. Our eyes locked and just like that our relationship kicked off.

For a girl with a few years like her, she knew time and relationships had been kinder to her than most.  There was a little bit of rust beneath the chrome of her wheel arches as well as some chipped paint.  

Fast forward, 5 years of love and hate, the bond has grown thicker.

Custom restoration and build… She stands tall, full of life and pride.

#Built not bought
#Ms Legend #KLF 888 #VW Beetle #Late 1968  

Pictures of Legend