VW Anonymous club is for all AIR-COOLED Volkswagen vehicles, their owners and lovers of AIR-COOLED Volkswagen vehicles. So yes you need an AIR-COOLED Volkswagen vehicle or the love for AIR-COOLED Volkswagen vehicles
You will need to be referred by an original member
Read and agree to follow our Rules and codes of conduct
If you agree to follow our rules and codes then just fill and turn in the membership form, pay a membership fee of Kshs 3000, of which Kshs 1500 is non-refundable in the event your application is not successful
Once you turn in your form, you will be required to attend 3 club meetings and 1 drive. This will give our club time to assess the individual’s dedication, loyalty and personality. It is important that we uphold this rule as it allows us time to get to know the prospective member. Following the probationary period, the original members will conduct a formal vote to be held during a special meeting. All potential memberships are subject to the majority rule
Majority vote will grant you membership and the right to run our sticker, own a club t-shirt and cap. Unsuccessful applicants will be refunded Kshs1500 only.
Temporary membership will be limited to events that will not include club meetings. Temporary membership will cost Kshs 200 per event.